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Metaphysical Truth Encoded in Fairy Tales


Do you know why the content of a fairy tale cannot be modified? Fairy tales, fables, legends, are not simple stories told for the sole purpose of entertaining children and young people. They contain a much deeper meaning: between their lines great metaphysical truths are encoded, truths that the human race has had to assimilate in this simple and colourful way since it would be unable to sustain concepts as complex as those they contain. We must learn to read beyond words. As A. de Saint-Exupéry proposes in his masterpiece, understanding “the invisible to the eyes” by perceiving from the heart: a key phrase for evolution that, unfortunately, has become cliché.

“This is the story written in the ancestral memory of each and every one of us. The story that, however, cannot wake up so easily because it lies asleep, gagged by time and oblivion that have forced us to turn it into blurred memories. Memories that seem to emerge out of fantastic tales. Tales that have never been, nothing more and nothing less, than the very reflection of reality disfigured by endless eras of dark nights. This is the story of the books of Amónada”. Contemporary works like this one, The Books of Amonada (2018 EF Alio-Warr) or classics like the Fairy Tales of Jakob and Wilhelm Grimm (ca.1800-1863), The Chronicles of Narnia (1950-56 CS Lewis) or The Little Prince (1943 A. De Saint-Exupéry) are some of the many stories that magically open the doors to these universal truths, hiding the steps to knowledge among their pages. Truths that, for millennia, have been jealously guarded by the dark dogmas that have blinded us in order to deny us knowledge and rob us of power.

Since the beginning of time, these sublime messages have always been delivered to different points of our reality by inter-dimensional light beings that, when identified, describe themselves as "heavenly" and are, mostly, coming from other constellations: Orion, Andromeda, Pleiades and others. Their teachings share information on topics such as the creation of the universe, the existence of no-time, the concept of infinity, the nature of good and evil, the power of love, the future of humanity on earth, etc.

While those who still want to impose their dark axioms prefer to keep us in deception, we can begin to awake. It is time to reveal the true wisdom and finally deliver it to the beings of good, an unavoidable and essential duty for the evolution and final benefit of our human race. Let us quiet the ego, open our hearts and welcome the expansion of consciousness.


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Verdades Matafísicas Codificadas en los Cuentos

  ¿ Sabes por qué no se puede modificar el contenido de un cuento de hadas? Los cuentos de hadas, las fábulas, las leyendas, no son simples historias narradas con el solo fin de entretener a niños y jóvenes. Encierran un significado mucho más profundo: entre sus líneas se encuentran codificadas grandes verdades metafísicas, verdades que la raza humana ha tenido que asimilar de esta manera sencilla y colorida ya que sería incapaz de sostener conceptos tan complejos como los que encierran. Debemos aprender a leer más allá de las palabras. Como propone A. de Saint-Exupéry en su obra maestra, comprender  “lo invisible a los ojos” percibiendo desde el corazón: una frase clave para la evolución que, desafortunadamente, se ha vuelto cliché.     “ Esta es la historia que está escrita en la memoria ancestral de todos y cada uno de nosotros. La historia que, sin embargo, no puede despertar tan fácilmente porque yace dormida, amordazada por el tiempo y el olvido que nos han forzado a convertirl